
Michal Guerquin


I live and work in Seattle, Washington. I write code mostly for fun and sometimes for utility.


Non-Computer stuff

Not a lot for now...

2006-05-07 - Radio - A list of radio stations that I listen to.
2006-04-03 - Photography - New section on Photography.
2006-04-03 - Thailand - Photos and words from a trip to Thailand.

Computer stuff

You may find this code useful. I have:

2005-09-12 - Endtable tools - Tools for use with some services.
2005-06-19 - Overlapping terms - Find overlapping terms in a string of text.
2005-06-19 - Count bytes - Count byte and bit occurances in your files.
2005-03-07 - Revision Rotator - A maintanance tool for a poorman's versioning system.
2005-01-30 - GDB - A quick introduction to the GNU debugger.
2005-01-22 - Aggregate - Convenience function to group lists of lists.
2005-01-19 - Gradient - Make gradients on-the-fly with Perl and GD as a CGI.
2005-01-12 - redirector - Raw code, undocummented.
2004-12-10 - Filegroup - Organize files by date.
2004-10-11 - Packets - Analyze packetfilter stats.

It's got code, but isn't about the code:

2008-11-09 - Alpine spinners - Alpine spinners.
2006-05-07 - Ramblings - A collection of things I've written to help friends.
2004-12-01 - Locales - An adventure with locales.
2004-11-15 - Pinger - An adventure with always-on internet.

No code is mentioned here:

2006-02-03 - Phrases - Finding phrases in a haystack of terms.
2006-02-03 - RPM Cheat Sheet - Convenient commands for managing RPM files.
2005-10-30 - ME 498 Gallery - An exposition of rendered graphics.
2005-07-08 - How big is the world? - An analysis of Google's Maps service.
2004-12-01 - Sites - Obligatory pointers to other websites.
2004-10-06 - Michal on Gmail - My thoughts about Google's Gmail service.

This is, updated 2009-03-24 01:30 EDT

Contact: michalg at domain where domain is (more)