

Always on?

I pay for an always-on connection to the internet at home. But it's not always on.

So I wrote a little sh script to ping a reliable host and log any packet loss.

Sample output looks like so:

2004-11-08 20:33:58 0 10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
2004-11-08 20:34:07 0 10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
2004-11-08 20:34:16 10 10 packets transmitted, 9 packets received, 10% packet loss
2004-11-08 20:34:26 100 10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
2004-11-08 20:34:45 0 10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
2004-11-08 20:34:54 0 10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss

The above sample was very granular: ping 10 times, log it, repeat. The script below pings the host 100 times.

Here is the script so you can use it too.

while [ 1 ]
  echo `date "+%F %T"`\ `ping -c 100|grep transmitted|awk -F' |%' '{print $7, $0}'` >> /var/log/pinger


Below are some visualizations of the last few days.

Each was made with this gnuplot script:

echo "
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
set xdata time
set xrange ['$1 00:00:00':'$1 23:59:59']
set yrange [0:100]
set format x '%H:%M'
set terminal png small size 640,150
set output 'pinger-$1.png'
set nokey
set title 'Packet loss for $1'
plot \"/var/log/pinger\" using 1:3 with l
" > /tmp/$$
gnuplot /tmp/$$
cat /tmp/$$
rm /tmp/$$

Run it as scriptname yyyy-mm-dd, replacing the y's, m's and d's accordingly.

The plot thickens

It has been my subjective experience that whenever I download something, I start loosing packets. One reason for this may be that the outbound capacity (presently limited to 256Kbps with my service) is being saturated and is exceeding predicted amounts. Most "home users" will use their always-on connection in bursts: download a webpage, do nothing for 10-15 seconds, download another web page, do nothign for 10-15 seconds, retrieve mail messages, do nothing for 10-15 seconds, etc. With such behavior for all users, true outbound capacity for N users can be far less than N*256Kbps. But something like the recent Bagle virus that turns vulnurable Windows machines into packet-spewing drones would alter many users' bandwidth usage pattern from bursts to steady streams, usually maxing out at all available capacity for each user. That means n*256Kbps is needed by the service provider (where n ~= N), and until that amount drops to the amount of bandwidth available to the service provider, everyone suffers.

To test my hypothesis, I set out to observe successful bandwidth utilization from my network device during a download. The behavior I've noticed is reminescent of a round-robin bandwidth limiting algorithm. To limit the amount of outgoing bandwidth, one considers all the outgoing packets, and puts them in a queue. The more packets there are, the less of my packets will be coming out per second.

Unfortunately, my experiment suggests that this queue is not really a FIFO, it's a first-lump-in-first-lump-out. That is, I get to send out data at my maximum capacity of 256Kbps for, say, X seconds, but am penialized for the next k*X seconds by not being allowed to send. During this k*X second penalty, other users are permitted to have their X second share. As more users appear, k gets bigger.

This may be desirable, however: Since the queue must be finite, it is easily possible to fill it up and simply drop any new incoming requests. This way getting through would be a game of chance with an extremely poor probability of success, and most users would simply get 0 bandwidth, complain to the service provider, etc. With how things are, they get 0 bandwidth, followed by lots of bandwidth, and back and forth. Perhaps this is more desirable to match the burstable usage pattern expectation -- it may in fact be an artifact of the bandwidth allotment mechanism under extreme duress. There are also be legal and financial consequencees with simply lowering everyones outbound traffic to, say, 64Kbps; although, I would prefer getting less bandwidth with an always-on feel than more bandwidth with an unpredicable sometimes-on feel.

The experiment

Below is output from the netstat utility which outputs the status of my network device. The supplied parameters cause it to accrue and display data in one second intervals. So every line of text below represents the state in which my network device was for that second. During this experiment, I was downloading a large file and thus, sending acknowledgements of receipt for every packet at ~10KB/s. Take a look:

# netstat 1 -b
            input        (Total)           output
   packets  errs      bytes    packets  errs      bytes colls
       195     0     276810        171     0      11410     0
       206     0     290862        169     0      11218     0
       158     0     223050        141     0       9531     0
       171     0     239482        151     0      10174     0
       206     0     290850        175     0      11614     0
       205     0     292368        163     0      10822     0
       134     0     189192        118     0       7852     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          2     0        176     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          2     0        176     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
        28     0      33556         21     0       1418     0
        80     0     110960         74     0       5017     0
       102     0     143460         87     0       5774     0
        26     0      37132         25     0       1682     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          2     0        176     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         0     0          0          1     0         98     0
         1     0        128          1     0         98     0
         1     0        128          1     0         98     0
         3     0        474          3     0        274     0
         2     0        256          2     0        196     0
         2     0        256          2     0        196     0
         2     0        256          2     0        196     0
         2     0        770          3     0        262     0
         3     0       1770          2     0        196     0
        90     0     124886         77     0       5146     0
       111     0     142888         98     0       8269     0
       107     0     150546         90     0       6004     0
       100     0     140444         90     0       6004     0
       104     0     146252         93     0       6202     0
        98     0     137664         91     0       6142     0
        93     0     124623         80     0       5361     0
       106     0     149280         96     0       6400     0
       167     0     233606        139     0       9238     0
       198     0     279718        173     0      11482     0
       206     0     293386        171     0      11350     0
       197     0     277980        169     0      11278     0
       199     0     282146        173     0      11674     0
       191     0     269435        169     0      11355     0
       192     0     265121        153     0      10179     0
       197     0     278610        174     0      11716     0
        25     0      34976         22     0       1516     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          5     0        432     0
         0     0          0          3     0        287     0
         0     0          0          3     0        287     0
         0     0          0          3     0        287     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         1     0        128          2     0        196     0
         4     0        594          3     0        262     0
         2     0        256          2     0        196     0
         2     0        256          2     0        196     0
         3     0        386          3     0        262     0
         3     0        402          3     0        262     0
       104     0     143286         86     0       5764     0
       170     0     242354        153     0      10366     0
       202     0     284806        172     0      11416     0
       204     0     290714        176     0      11697     0
       202     0     283656        167     0      11086     0
       200     0     282114        165     0      10971     0
       207     0     289612        167     0      11158     0
       193     0     273806        167     0      11158     0
         6     0       7202         14     0        988     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0
         1     0        128          2     0        196     0
         2     0        256          2     0        196     0
         2     0        256          2     0        196     0
        36     0      47594         27     0       1846     0
       103     0     143826         92     0       6136     0
        78     0     107198         69     0       4695     0
       105     0     147022         91     0       6070     0
        82     0     116066         74     0       4948     0
         0     0          0          2     0        196     0


The behavior you see here is also indicative of how the TCP stack is designed. When requested data is not being received from the server, the client lowers its frequency of making request so as to find an optimum balance of outgoing and incoming bandwidth. After a short burst of activity, the available bandwidth becomes 0, and thus the TCP stack slows down. When the bandwidth becomes available, the TCP stack is still waiting for receipt of new data, and continues still lowering its outbound traffic. On the sending (server) side the same things is happening -- the finding of the optimum balance, I mean. Acknowledgements of data receipt are not being delivered to the server, so data that was already sent is being resent (and at a decreasing size and frequency of retries) in hopes of letting the client catch up and synchronize. Eventually, maybe 3-5 seconds after bandwidth is available, the downloads resume. Sometimes, 60-90 seconds after bandwidth is available.


So, doing high-throughput downloads is practically intolerable at this time. I have found, however, that low-overhead, "burstable", communications (like SSH and HTTP) are still doable for the most part.

This is, updated 2004-11-15 23:16 EST

Contact: michalg at domain where domain is (more)